Otherwise, once Bu Jingyun holds it, it’s really hopeless.


Non-stop Pang Xia soon came to Tianmen to prepare for the port.
At this time, the port has the largest number of players from all over the world except Tianmen np.
In particular, it has replaced the chivalrous world of mortals, which has been destroyed, to become a new faction. One member of the two cities and three guilds belongs to the largest number of players.
Fang Fengyu’s new large-scale guild is composed of three medium-sized gangs and five small ones.
Among them, many low-level players are the main components of Fang Fengyu.
Therefore, he joined the Dragon Slayer to capture the Dragon Yuan Fang Fengyu and sent a large number of players to join in.
Pang Xia got out of the carriage and found a small inn in the alley according to the location published in the guild chat room.
Why say two words "small"? That’s because this inn is really called a small inn!
Into the small inn Pang Xia walked down the stairs and pushed the innermost door on the third floor and went in.
At this time, everyone else in the room has arrived except the sword wins the snow and Xiaoqing.
Starlight cocktail party all stranger closed up again.
There is no strangeness for a long time. Pang Xia went inside and took the cup and drank it.
After PangXia finished drinking tea, Vivian Dawson just smiled and said, "Shrimp, let’s have some problems.
It’s supposed to be Bao Yuan’s three magic places, and now Fang Feng has robbed one of them.
Besides, it’s your old acquaintance who took this place. What a pie! "
Pang Xia smiled at Vivian Dawson’s words.
"in fact, it’s nothing. I’m here with the idea of not being disturbed.
I just want us to hold the magic quota department of three players in our hands.
However, I later thought that it was really unnecessary to offend people.
It’s not a good thing to let our star cocktail party be an exclusive food association.
I’m still glad that the wind and rain are involved.
After all, this theory of great danger is that the dragon or Indra is very dangerous
Plus, there are so many masters, and even dogs are not as good as them.
Therefore, we need a big tree in front of the starlight reception to help us resist the threat of those strong people.
Obviously, it is such a best goal to have more powerful people and more masters sitting in the wind and rain. "
After listening to Pang Xia’s words, everyone here looked at Pang Xia with a sinister expression.
Seeing this, Pang Xia smiled shyly, and the crayon Shinchan touched his head and said, "I’m not that good."
Seeing Pang Xia like this, everyone is full of food.
Especially in Shayue, she rolled her eyes like I don’t know him.
At that time, it was also a warm atmosphere to fight in the room.
Chapter 716 My second Olympics, he’s really here!
Pang Xia and other members of the starlight reception have different happy atmosphere.
In the largest inn in this port, all the top leaders of Chinese wind and rain gather in it.
At this time, Jiugang and the chief from Mu Shijiaxin looked at the representatives sent by a guild in the wind and rain.
The atmosphere here is very dignified. Jiu Gang and Mu Shijia’s new chief are sitting opposite a representative and strangely silent.
Finally, a representative from three medium-sized guilds took the lead in saying, "Brother Jiu Gang, I have a question.
According to our plan, the magic places in the hands of those three players should all be our wind and rain.
But in fact, we all know that as a result, we only got one of the three magic places
I think you should give us an explanation. This result is different from the previous decision. "
When I heard this, Jiu Gang didn’t say anything, but the player sitting beside him from Mu Family took the lead.
"confessed? You want to talk? Tell what?
You told us that we needed help and you withheld it from us?
Or did I tell you to play as a player to help you fight your rival in love and get killed by the Ministry of Human Resources?
I think these things should be well explained, but it’s not us but you who have to explain them.
You’d better go back and talk to your wife and sister.
Don’t throw away all your Tianyuan people. We won’t buy it from you. "
A listen to these words, the Tianyuan gang immediately struck the table on behalf of the players, pointed at each other and growled and shouted.

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