He looked at PangXia slowly and said, "How did you make blood night slaughter JueXue be innocent!


How can this be something that a player can do, even if there is a small probability that a player will die and there is such a punishment?
But it’s not too coincidental. What’s more, you obviously knew something before you spoke! "
Pangxia looked at the pale sea and smiled and said, "I’m not white when you talk."
But if you dare to make trouble with my companions and friends, then I won’t promise to make trouble with you.
When the time comes, it’s your problem that your hands are best at martial arts and are washed white. "
Chapter 634 Master vs Master!
The sea changed rapidly for a long time before it calmed down (
He looked at Pang Xia and said slowly, "Although I don’t know how you did it."
But since you have this trump card, I naturally won’t act like that again.
Our guild doesn’t fight, but it’s official for you and me to fight.
It’s hard to meet a strong person like you. I must have a good competition with you! "
The sea voice PangXia is then said, "just you can also test my strength.
If my strength is not as strong as you think, I’m afraid you will still start work on our starlight reception. "
Eyes slightly narrowed the sea to PangXia said, "I have to say that you are really a person who knows me very well.
I really don’t want to have an enemy like you unless I have to.
But now that it has happened, let me enjoy the fun day with you as my enemy. "
When I fell into the sea, I felt like a demon.
Then a momentum beyond the innate realm and belonging to the master was released from the sea.
Feeling the momentum of the sea is not only surprising to Pang Xia, but also to the members of the First School of Heaven.
Although in the eyes of the first faction in the day, the head of the sea is extremely strong
But they didn’t expect that the sea would become a strong master.
Looking surprised, Pang Xiacang gave me a smile and said, "I spent a lot of effort and time as a master."
If you are fat shrimp, your strength can’t reach the highest level in nature.
So today I will be very interesting. "
Hearing the words from the sea, Pang Xia nodded and said, "It really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to reach the master’s realm."
But if you want to talk today, it’s not easy.
Grandmaster realm … Unfortunately, so am I! "
Say bi pang Xia body also surges a momentum belonging to the master.
At this time, Pang Xia’s momentum is relatively indifferent to the sea.
Looking at Pang Xiatian’s first school expression, I was even more surprised than when the sea showed the master realm.
In their minds, although Pang Xia is strong, they don’t think Pang Xia can compete with the sea.
But now it turns out that they have reached the master’s realm in the sea, when they can win safely in the sea
Pang Xia also revealed the psychological gap and impact of reaching the strength of the master’s realm, which made them feel at a loss.
"The monster in this world is not just the sea. It is not enough to note the fat shrimp before one person.
From today on, Fat Shrimp ranks first among my players.
It is not as simple as it seems to be to be able to become a master quietly at the root. "
Looking at the presence of Pang Xia, his eyes narrowed slightly and his evaluation of Pang Xia became higher and higher.
At this time, the sea looked at Pang Xiachu with a surprised expression.
But then the sea burst out laughing.
He looked at PangXia looming fanaticism in his eyes and laughed and said, "Ha, ha, ha, good!
After all, someone in this world can walk in front of thousands of mediocre human beings like me
Fortunately! Fortunately, I didn’t make friends with you. People like you and me are just enemies.
And you and I are each other’s best enemies.
With you in this world, I finally stop talking! "
When he finished speaking, the sea felt like a demon, like a Taoist truth, pouring out as if he were sucking a dragon into the sky.
"Fat shrimp, after I entered the game, I have been finding out six messages from the two factions of the Holy Gate.
But I got the mantle left by the evil emperor after he broke Tian Yu’s emptiness.
Thus, he became the evil emperor and got the secret work method "Dao Xin zhong mo * *" from the fifth brother of Tian Yu.
The other three belong to the martial arts "Zi Qi Tian Luo", "Tianxin Lotus Ring" and "Criminal Evasion" in the ten volumes of "Monty Magic Strategy"
I have never been beaten by others, and even the players who tied me are not there.
I hope you can beat me, otherwise you will be my stepping stone to the top! "
Listen to the sea, Pang Xia didn’t say much.

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